Thor Ragnarok Movie Review

Well I must say that Marvel has out done themselves this time around. It seems to be that they keep upping the stakes with every movie lately, Thor being a perfect example of it. They really got out of there comfort zone and it really paid off.

It was clear from the opening scene what type of movie this was going to be, an action comedy flick. Which isn’t new at all for them (hints Guardians of the Galaxy 1-2 and Spiderman). But it was new for the character of Thor, sure he does have some comedic parts in his previous solo movies, but it was nothing like this. We mainly know him as this mystic catcher that’s full of wisdom and higher knowledge. It was great seeing him in a whole new way. And finally accepting the role he of what he was born to do.

Bruce Banner aka the Hulk perhaps may have sacrificed the most. Seeing him first appear as the Hulk filled with nothing but pure anger, is nothing new at all. Seeing this beast act as a big baby was the icing on the cake to love him even more, it makes him like a loveable giant. But the more they establish why the way he is, is really heartbreaking. He was always viewed as  A losing battle with the Hulk and fear of not becoming Banner ever again is a problem he is forced to face.

Not to mention the whole journey with his brother that we all love to hate Loki. Seeing how he has been since his last appearance in Thor 2 the Dark World, was very interesting. It shouldn’t of come to anyone’s surprise to see how he tricked everyone into seeing something that wasn’t there. After everything he’s been through he still hasn’t changed a bit but, that’s what everyone seems to love about him. But he does go through his own hero’s journey in his own way throughout the movie, it’s interesting to see how greedy he can truly be when the stakes are so high. But oh well what can you expect from the god of mischief

The Villain, oh my the villain! I keep telling myself “This was my favorite villain, no wait this one was”. Simply put she was badass! It’s not often we see a villain that you kind of want to win solely due to how awesome she is. Her motives where clear from the start to finish Cate Blanchett as Hela was definitely award winning. Every scene she was in I was found myself getting scared of everyone around her because that’s how ruthless she was.

Another badass female role in this movie was Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie. She was as beautiful as she was dangerous. She easily had the full hero’s journey in this movie, with coming to terms with her inner demons. She is given a mysterious role at first that constantly teases you for more. I hope they show more of her off in future Marvel movies.

But let’s not forget about the comedic villain as I like to call him. Jeff Goldblum role as the GrandMaster. Although he easily gets over shadowed by Hela he plays a big role to the MCU as a whole. He helped explained the comic lore in the MCU establishing that there are countless beings out there, it is important to add that Guardians of the Galaxy has already done this. But this just adds on to it. Every scene he as in you find yourself laughing it him for something new every time, and it’s nice that Marvel decided to do that with this character.

The supporting cast was by far the best, some where badass warriors, or some where just gentle giants. Everyone one in that movie served a purpose and it seemed like they all enjoyed working on this film. Giving it their all as comedic or serious parts for such small roles. They even went as far as getting some characters we’ve seen in previous movies to make an appearance in Ragnarok.

Overall Thor was great! From the cheesy sci fi music, to the fight scenes that we all love. This is a must watch that I highly recommend. Giving it a 9.5/10

Published by imluisgutierrez

Just trying to inform you

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